Slovenia, Italy, Croatia


Tvoja skupnost,
naša prihodnost 

Šmarje, is an important village in the Municipality of Koper in the Littoral region – Slovenian Istria of Slovenia.

The village area covers the surface of approximately 4 km² and has a population of nearly 2.800 residents. The elevation is 289 m up to sea level. It is situated right in between the coastal urbanised cities and the rural area of Slovenian Istria. The village has been historically known as an important and strategic crossroads in the rural area of Slovenian Istria that on one side connects more than 20 neighbouring villages in the region, but also three neighboring countries i.e. Slovenia, Italy and Croatia.

Overcoming Obstacles:
Key Challenges in Transitioning to the SMART ERA


  • Despite a population decline in the mid-20th century, there’s been a resurgence of interest in rural life in the past 25 years, with young families choosing to stay.
  • The loss of traditional heritage.
  • Environmental challenge, including the lack of sustainable mobility services for older adults and limited community involvement in green activities such as the circular economy.
  • The challenge at hand is to find solutions that enhance connectivity, accessibility, and attractiveness while also creating new public spaces and fostering community engagement.


Circular Economy and Environmental Education

Who will be a part of the change?

Local farmers and agri-food SMEs, local community (residents, associations), elderly, and young families | 30-40% of the total resident population.


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